大力恭賀Vova、Demitri、Justin和Andre,在2009年3月1日新竹市立體育院的明武 4比賽中表現精湛,贏得勝利!
Big congratulations goes out to Vova, Demitri, Justin and Andre for their spectacular performance in Ming Wu 4 on March 1, 2009. All four of the guys pulled off great wins in their fights during the event in the Hsinchu Municipal Stadium.
首次上場打綜合格鬥的Vova跟來自德國px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;"> Hisham Al-Haroun ( 江玉山) 對打。Vova跟長住台南練猴拳的江玉山都打得很激烈,但是在第二回Vova把江玉山打昏了。
Vova in his first MMA fight, fought against German national Hisham Al-Haroun, a long-time resident of Tainan, Taiwan and a Monkey Kung-fu practitioner. Al-Haroun dished out some hard kicks early in the first round and both competitors went at each other with vigor, but it was Vova who stunned Al-Haroun with a jab and then finished him off with a knock out from some powerful left punches by the middle of the second round.
Demitri對開場抨擊,以假動作抱雙腿摔快速的壓倒對手Du Hua-zhen,剩下時間Demitri便以全身壓制Du Hua-zhen,冷靜並有效率的給他雨後春 “拳”,裁判在第一場接近尾聲時宣告結束。
Demitri was gunning from the get-go, feinting a strike before quickly taking down his opponent, Du Hua-zhen, with a swift double-leg. From then on D was on top in full mount for most of the remaining time, exercising great calm and control when raining down punches on Du, with the fight being called by the referee near the end of the first round.
Justin, in his second showing in Ming Wu, put on a great fight despite agreeing to the stand in for someone else only a week earlier and having done no serious training during the previous month. Justin was able to mount his opponent and get in some good ground and pound. He won his fight through a decision.
Andre made his MMA debut in Ming Wu 4 and had a tough battle against his opponent. Andre, however, was able to dig in and pull a win by decision.
Yeah! It was a great night for Taiwan BJJ and Taiwan Muay Thai!!!!!