
台灣巴西柔術學院參加11月29-30日在東京舉辦的2008年亞洲巴西柔術錦標賽。紫帶教練Warren Wang(王韋人)和白帶學員Sabrina Lin各贏得季軍。

Taiwan BJJ sent a contingent to the Asian Jiu-jitsu Championship 2008 held on November 29-30 in Tokyo, Japan. Purple belt Warren Wang and white belt Sabrina Lin won third place in their respective categories.

Makoto (小笠原 誠)帶領台灣巴西柔術學院教練及學員赴日參加東京2008年亞洲巴西柔術錦標賽。 參賽者包括Warren Wang, Dennis Huang, Kai Hung, Isaac Chang, Eric Mah, Peter Weng, Ricky Morris, Sabrina Lin以及Stephen Yeh。 黑帶教練Andy Wang也抽空從美國到日本參加這場盛事。

Taiwan BJJ was present at the Asian Jiu-jitsu Championship 2008 under the tutalage of visiting instructor Makoto Ogasawara. Competitors included Warren Wang, Dennis Huang, Kai Hung, Isaac Chang, Eric Mah, Peter Weng, Ricky Morris, Sabrina Lin, and Stephen Yeh. Andy Wang was also present, competing in the masters black belt absolute division.

紫帶教練王韋人和白帶學員Sabrina Lin各贏得季軍。

Warren took bronze in the adult purple belt middle-weight divsion while Sabrina snagged bronze in the adult white belt feather-weight division.

Andy faced a tough match against someone who had a very strong grip and tough spider guard. A sweep from spider guard in the last 10 seconds of the match, gave the victory to Andy's opponent.


Makoto went through two matches before having his back taken by his opponent in the third match which eventually lead to a submission by banana choke. Makoto ended up with silver in the adult brown belt light-weight division.

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    Taiwan BJJ

    Taiwan Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (Taiwan BJJ) 台灣巴西柔術學院

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